As a sinner, your spirit man is DEAD!!! You are completely cut off from God, you can’t hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, can’t receive instructions for your life and destiny, can’t do nothing! The sinner’s spirit is simply dead. Walking after the flesh only, bound by sin and filth. It may interest you to know that in the spirit realm, there is no neutral state. You’re either for God or the devil.
Luke 11:23 “he
that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not With me scattereth”.
Now it is not all about
your sins first of all, but that default nature of sin in man. Being born into
this world confers sin on you by reason of the fall. You are not a sinner because
you sin; rather, you sin because you are a sinner. It is that nature of the
devil that makes a man to displease God.
rom 3:23 “for all have sinned and come short of the
glory of God
psa 51:5 “behold I was shapen in iniquity and in
sin did my mother conceive me”.
There is the provision of God
for redemption which has been made available by the blood of Jesus. God
practically gave Himself up for us by appearing in the flesh and shedding His
blood. In fact, it is so serious that if you were the only one remaining on the
planet, Jesus would still have come to die, yeah, He loves you that much.There
is grace in Christ Jesus to live a life that is pleasing and acceptable to God.
What will actually take a man to hell is his refusal to accept Jesus. Now, this
isn’t about being born into a Christian family or being a church goer. It is
about having a real, living relationship with God the Father through Jesus the
son; it is only then that the Holy Spirit can dwell inside of you. Don’t think
of all the wrongs you have done and how ugly or messy your past is, it is not
how good you are that makes you acceptable to God. In fact, He forgave you
before you sinned.
rom. 5:6-8
rom. 5:6-8
6. “for when
we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly
7. For
scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man one would even dare to die.
8. but God
commended His love toward us in that while we were yeT sinners, Christ died for
This is the good news of
the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Our great substitute, who made himself sin
that we can be made righteous
IIcor5:21 “for he hath made him to be sin for us, who
knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him”
John 3:16 “for God so loved the world that He gave His
only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have
everlasting life”
He has reconciled us to
the father!!! We are joint heirs with Him, partakers of the new covenant. How
They put a crown of thorns
on his head: He erased the curse hanging on mankind in Gen 3:17-19
Nail on his hands so that
whatsoever you lay your hands upon shall prosper
39 lashes on his back by
his stripes you are healed
Piercing on his legs for
you to regain the dominion that God released in Genesis such that wherever the
sole of your foot shall thread becomes your possession, you can trample upon
serpents and scorpions and nothing shall by any means hurt you. What authority
there is in Jesus!
Isa 53:5 “but
he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the
chastisement of our peace was upon Him and with His stripes we are healed”
IS LIFTED!!! What better package can humanity get? You do not have
to keep living under the control of the devil such that he can come at any time
‘t’ and do whatever he likes with your life. It is time to take charge and
accept the provision of God for you. Don’t despise God’s offer of mercy. If you
are willing to make Jesus the Lord of your life, do say this prayer with faith
in your heart:
“Dear Jesus, I
acknowledge that I’m a sinner, come into my life and cleanse me with your
blood. I accept you today as my Lord and saviour. I make this decision today
willingly, deliberately, intelligently and permanently. Satan, I turn away from
you henceforth. Jesus is my Lord. Holy Spirit, please fill my life and take me
over. Thank you heavenly father in Jesus’ name I pray”.
Wow O Wow! Dear friend, if
you just prayed this simple prayer, I’m happy to say you’re now born again.
Congratulations!!! Welcome to God’s very own family. This is your greatest decision,
ever! Please, join a Dream Centre branch near you today to step into the
fullness of your destiny and God’s plan for your life.
The Dream Centre ...committed to helping men realize their God-given dreams in life
For assistance, please
contact 08074183305 or send a mail to
God bless you in Jesus’